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Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc.
What do you say you and me do a karate chop to the fears, lies and feelings that have you running on the hamster wheel of life and tell them to go plant some flowers, because you sweet one were meant to thrive!
I see you friend. You are exhausted from waking each and every day with every intention of making a change financially, personally, physically or even spiritually but not matter how hard you try you can never quite seem to move the needle.
Life has begun to feel like an all to surreal experience of Groundhog day. You feel like your hands are tied and have begun to doubt yourself and your abilities. You question if you just aren't cut out to do what your heart desires. Yet you are terrified you will look back on your life at a sea of lost dreams and it's killing you.
I see you because I was you. Buying course after course, reading book after book, therapy session after therapy session, support groups and more, yet still left grasping for straws.
I would watch my peers swoop in and kill it in their careers and life, while I was still standing on the sidelines and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get in the game and thrive.
In my early 20's I struggled with an eating disorder. I kept searching outside of me for the answers, but I was looking in all the wrong places. No magic book or inspirational talk or quote, was going to fix me. I had to do the deep work if I was ever going to experience radical change in my life.
This began a 20 year journey of personal discovery via therapy, 12 steps, online courses, books and support groups which all made a huge impact, however it wasn't until I discovered the Aroma Freedom Technique that the way I began showing up in my life began to change.
Finally for the first time in my life, I was able to start taking radical action.
As my mind and my energy began to heal, and the mental chaos went away, the clutter in my home went with it.
My mindset around success and money began to dramatically shift. I was able to get out of $100K worth of debt in 8 months while generating an additional $100K at the same time and have not used a credit card since.
I have been making dramatic changes in my relationships and letting go of situations and behaviors that are no longer serving me. I finally know that I am enough. Co-dependent people pleasing as a result of growing up in an alcoholic home has done a 180 and I have never felt more free.
But the greatest gift I have received has been in empowering others to discover their own truths and get past the lies and subconscious stories keeping them stuck.
I am deeply passionate about this work and the power I believe it has to transform our lives, and in turn the world, from the inside out.
There is no doubt in my mind that these tools were a gift from God, a healing energy deeper than anything I have yet to experience and I can not wait to share it with you.
Giving back what was so graciously given to me sets my soul on fire beyond measure. It is no accident that you are here and I can't wait to see where you go next. Only up my friend. I can't wait to see you fly.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec viverra lacinia lacus, quis pretium felis placerat sed. In ut porta elit. Vestibulum quis commodo velit. Phasellus convallis massa non dictum varius. Proin at viverra diam. Aliquam ac dignissim dui. Curabitur porttitor lacus dolor. non mattis lectus rutrum eu. Mauris vitae congue tortor.